"Ubuntu" is an African word that means so much. It is more than just a philosophy. Ubuntu is a way of life and it encompasses the goodness of humanity and the beauty of nature. The word "Ubuntu" simply translates "I am because we are". In other words, a person is a person through other people.
Although the word "Ubuntu" comes from southern Africa, the concept of Ubuntu is transcontinental with

Human skulls, blood sacrifices, demon-possessed dolls, snakes, mysterious priests and priestesses, etc. Such is the image the media often portray. Unfortunately, this seems to be the perception the general public holds whenever “voodoo” is mentioned. Some people consider voodoo nothing but an archaic ancient pagan religion full of nothing but darkness, sorcery, witchcraft, demons and blood. But
I am a true son of my father because in Africa, a crab does not beget a bird. According to my grandfather, it doesn't make much sense to ask the hunter how was his hunt especially if you saw him come in with a bunch of mushrooms in his hand. I pray for the day when lions will get their own historians but until that day, the tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter including even
Religion is one of those issues people find very uncomfortable discussing in Africa and there is a good reason why. The big question here is "why?".
Some people say religion is all about peace, love and understanding yet so many of us feel very uncomfortable discussing religious issues in public places. If religion is all about love and togetherness then why all these numerous religious
Religion is the most profitable business in Africa today. In Africa, starting a church is a guaranteed investment, safer and far more profitable than forex trading, stock market trading, bitcoins, etc. You can start a church with as little as $20 and start reaping $20,000 in just months. It only takes a couple of "miracle performing actors and actresses" to start "harvesting" in
My great grandfather had no clock but he was always on time. Why? Because, he could tell the time just by looking at the position of the sun. My great grandfather could tell the time just by listening to the sounds of birds and even the croaking voices of frogs. My great grandfather could see even with his eyes closed.
The western world would probably label my great grandfather an