muammar gaddafiSome say he was a hero. Some say he was a monster. Others considered him a king. The real question however remains quite unanswered. Why did America get involved in Libya and not in Zimbabwe? Why did NATO bomb Libya and not Sudan? Why was Gaddafi targeted and why was he assassinated?

When it comes to the story of Africa, there seems to be so many "experts". The sad truth however is that, most of these so-called "experts on Africa" have never even set foot on the continent.

It is true that Colonel Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi is dead and gone but what some people do not know is that, Gaddafi lives on in words and in good deeds. And that is not to say Gaddafi was a righteous man. No, Gaddafi wasn't a righteous man. In fact, Gaddafi did so many horrible things during his reign as the "King of Kings" of Africa. Not just that, some of his immediate family members, especially his sons, did far more barbaric things than Gaddafi himself.

In other words, it makes sense to say Gaddafi was a wicked man. However, compared to lunatics like Omar Al-Bashir of North Sudan and some criminal sons and daughters of death in Washington (America) who continue to destroy Africa, Gaddafi was a saint.

Africa is the richest continent in terms of natural resources. Also, the richest countries in the world today in terms of natural resources are all poor third world countries. Why is that so? Why is the richest continent on earth in terms of natural resources also the poorest continent on earth with millions of starving people? Why is it that the richest countries on this planet in terms of natural resources are all poor third world countries with millions of poverty-stricken people? Our maker put us here not to suffer but to enjoy the fruits of the earth. If so then why do we suffer?

Some say Gaddafi was overthrown because he was oppressing the poor Libyans. Although I cannot disagree, especially considering what some of his immediate family members were doing to the poor Libyans, this is very far from the truth about why Gaddafi was targeted and not the others who in some ways, were far more barbaric than Gaddafi. Some say America and NATO went to Libya just for the oil which makes perfect sense. However, this is also a little bit far from the main reason why Gaddafi was assassinated.

The first president of Ghana, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, was very popular and loved all across Africa yet Dr. Nkrumah was assassinated in Africa. Why was Kwame Nkrumah assassinated? Not so many people appear to know the main reason why Dr. Nkrumah was assassinated. Although Africans loved Dr. Nkrumah the first president of Ghana so much, Kwame Nkrumah became the number one enemy of the western world. Why? Well, it is because he (Nkrumah) began talking about a "United Africa". In fact, Dr. Nkrumah was a founding member and a leading figure in the Organization of African Unity (OAU which is now the AU or the African Union).

A United Africa as we all know, would empower Africans to the point where Africa would be able to compete on the global scale. It would empower Africa to the point where Africa would be respected not just as another continent but as a partner on the global level. It would make our living conditions far better than those we find ourselves in today. It would break several land, economic, social, and political barriers for Africa and make us "free".

However, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana was assassinated just when his idea of a "United Africa" was beginning to gain roots in Africa. Why did they assassinate such a great leader? They assassinated Dr. Nkrumah for the same reason they assassinated Colonel Gaddafi. The West doesn't want Africa to unite. Not just Africa but the third world in general. The higher we rise, the lower they fall. In other words, even as we work very hard to unite and get ourselves out of the mess we are in, some foreign powers are also working extra hours so they can continue to divide, conquer and control Africa and the third world.

Colonel Gaddafi just like Kwame Nkrumah, had been talking about a "United Africa" for quite a long time but there was no easy way of getting rid of the great Gaddafi. The western world was just waiting for an opportunity to strike. A couple of months before he was assassinated, Gaddafi introduced a very beautiful idea to some members of the African Union. Gaddafi re-introduced the need for Africa as a continent to have a common currency, the "Gold Dinar", a currency that would bind all Africa together as one and give us a voice at the global market in the sense that, this currency would compete with the Euro, the Dollar, etc. This idea was a major threat to western powers (especially America).

Right now, the west determines the market prices of our gold, oil, diamonds, timber and other natural resources. However, Gaddafi's common currency could give Africa a greater say at the international market to the point where we (Africans) would be able to determine the market prices of our natural resources. This idea was such a great threat to the western world (especially America) so much so that, they had to get rid of Gaddafi within the shortest possible time. In fact, what happened to Gaddafi was similar to the way America treated Saddam Hussein when he openly talked about selling his oil in Euros instead of Dollars.

In other words, America and NATO were busy bombing Libya not to save innocent people like the media said but to destroy the very idea of a better Africa. And that is the truth.

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